CESCO® & MontiPower®: The Surface Prep Revolution

CESCO® introduces MontiPower’s Bristle Blaster® and MBX®, the new era in surface preparation. These tools, backed by CESCO®, swiftly remove coatings and achieve unmatched surface grades.

CESCO®'s Mechanical Prep Advantage

With CESCO®'s endorsement, MontiPower® outshines traditional, costly methods. The Bristle Blaster®, a CESCO® favorite, rivals sandblasting results, stripping away contaminants and crafting a distinct roughness profile.

How CESCO®'s MontiPower® Tools Excel

At the core of CESCO®'s MontiPower® tools is a dynamic brush. These tools, championed by CESCO®, harness kinetic energy, ensuring corrosion removal and a pristine surface, mirroring traditional sandblasting.

CESCO®: Leading the No-Blast Future

CESCO® presents MontiPower® as the future of "blasting without abrasive". As the superior alternative to sandblasting, CESCO®'s tools redefine surface preparation standards.

Choose CESCO® for innovation in surface prep. Embrace the MontiPower® future. For inquiries, contact Annie at 843-212-3002.

Elevate Your Surface Preparation with MontiPower's MBX® Electric Bristle Blaster

Part Number: SE-1160-02

MontiPower® Electric Bristle Blaster

MontiPower® Cordless Bristle Blaster

Part Number: SB-601-80

MontiPower® Cordless Bristle Blaster

MontiPower® Pneumatic Bristle Blaster

Part Number: USSP-06-02

MontiPower® Pneumatic Bristle Blaster

Call Now for Updated Product Info
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Bristle Blaster Belt 11mm

Bristle Blaster Belt Carbon Steel

Bristle Blaster Belt 23mm

Bristle Blaster Belt Carbon Steel

Bristle Blaster Belt SS 11mm

Bristle Blaster Belt - Stainless Steel

Bristle Blaster Belt SS 23 mm

Bristle Blaster Belt - Stainless Steel

* indicates required